
Linda McCord works in most of the two-dimensional mediums and does a vast array of subject matter. She specializes in vehicles, figurative, and abstract paintings. She is one of the rare artists that does realism as well as abstracts. Dynamic light and shadow treatments are prominent in her paintings. The play of lights and darks creates abstract designs even in her realistic work. Emphasizing lighting and value change has enabled her to create powerfully expressive and bold compositions. She was a gallery owner for 10 years and taught painting and printmaking at her local college. She has won international awards too numerous to list, and her art is in corporate and private collections worldwide. In 2022 she won the prestigious Gold Award in MiKiHASi, Memories, an international film and exhibit for her watercolor series, In the 90’s. McCord says, “I design my work around mathematical concepts rather than emotion.”

My art is an expression of an inner need to escape and find a place where I can go on a creative journey whether it is to become a different person, to see beauty in my surroundings. or to travel to a different place. Creating art is fun and sometimes frustrating, addictive but never, never boring. I love being an artist.